Sunday, November 4, 2007

Weekly Update

I can tell our schedule has been quiet. I've had nothing to write about for a week!! Last Saturday we drove over to Sanford to visit Rick and Csilla and watch Taylor ride in her first equestrian competition Sunday morning. In her dressage outfit, she looked so grown-up. She was entered in 2 events - walking around the ring and then a "trail ride." In the first event, she went around the show ring and showed proper riding posture and control of her horse "Little Bit." In the second event, she had to lean down, unhook the corral gate, walk her horse over logs, get mail out of a mailbox, put it back in the mailbox and then walk over a wooden "bridge" to finish. Taylor was entered in the special needs class as she still has "side walkers" and also someone holding a lead rope in case "Little Bit" decides to do something unexpected. Taylor placed 4th in the first event and received an honorable mention in the second event. It was definitely fun and watching Taylor interact with "Little Bit" was wonderful! It also gave Taylor a taste of equestrian competition. I also wanted to include a picture of Ashley since she is growing up much too fast!

Monday and Tuesday were quiet days. Just normal stuff - laundry, errands, etc. Wednesday was also our normal schedule (shopping, choir) as was Thursday (Bible study morning and evening). Friday, we drove about 150 miles participating in the first annual Gulfcoast Holiday Shop Hop( 13 scrapbook stores from Bradenton south to Naples are participating. It's fun seeing how different independent scrapbook stores can be.

Saturday Rick and Csilla and the girls came over. Rick wanted to go to a seashell shop near us to pick out some seashells. He is planning on combining them with his woodturning and making Christmas ornaments and nightlights. He does beautiful work and I can't wait to see what creations he comes up with. This weekend was also probably the last time they would be in the pool until spring as the air temps are getting too cool to swim. The pool is still 88 degrees but the air chills you as soon as you get out (the air is about 75 degrees). They left today about 1:30.

Tomorrow we're taking Aunti Vi to the doctor for her 6 month check-up. Tuesday we're going to visit the last 6 scrapbook stores in the Shop Hop as it is the only day we have free this week. Wednesday again is our normal, Thursday is normal and then Friday we'll be packing for the cruise and going to the Raleigh Ringers concert ( in Sarasota. Saturday we sail away for a week.

Well, that brings everything up to date. I'm sure I'll have a lot to write about when we get back from the cruise. I will be keeping a journal while we're gone.

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