Monday, January 28, 2008

Getting old!

Yesterday was Dan's 62nd birthday. He will now start collecting Social Security! We didn't do anything special - we didn't even go to church. We were both just too tired when the alarm went off at 6:15. I had baked a chocolate bundt cake on Thursday, so that served as his birthday cake! We'll actually celebrate Friday night with Sarah and Eric. Friday is Sarah's birthday, so instead of celebrating twice, we'll combine it into one. We'll go out to dinner and then head for church for crop night. I'll also be teaching at Water's Edge (the senior center) in the afternoon.

Today, we went to the Social Security office to finish my filing for Social Security. I had filed on-line, but I needed to bring my birth certificate in for validation. I'll be old enough (62) to start collecting in April!

We stopped by Aunti Vi's this afternoon. She is doing okay - just wiped out from the move and stress. We only stayed for a few minutes - just long enough to check on her. We'll take her out Wednesday for lunch and shopping.

Well, I need to go finish studying for Thursday and laundry is calling.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Where has this month gone?

Even though we haven't done a lot this month, January is almost gone. Where did it go??

Bible study is going well. There are 18 ladies in the morning and 10 in the evening. The time commitment from each of these ladies is amazing. Beth's Bible studies are demanding - there is about an hour of homework for 5 days a week and then our weekly meetings last between 2-1/2 and 3 hours. It adds up to about 8 hours a week. Each of the ladies is precious and I'm privileged, honored and humbled to lead them.

Choir is also challenging - our new director is taking us in a whole new direction. He is young so most of the music we are singing is contemporary which is very different from the traditional choir music we have sung for years. However, our Easter cantata is more towards the traditional we are used to. I don't mind the contemporary, but it seems he has "thrown the baby out with the bathwater." In other words, rather than mixing the new contemporary with the traditional to get us used to the new style, he has gone completely to contemporary.

Aunti Vi is doing wonderfully. Monday, she'll be moving out of her apartment for 2 weeks while they put new windows in. We're going to go down and make sure the move goes smoothly and get her settled in her temporary location. She hopes to be back in her apartment by the 10th of February.

Tuesday we're going to go over to Orlando to have dinner with friends we worked with at Ameritech. They retired before we did and moved to South Carolina. We haven't seen them for about 8 years so it will be fun to see them and catch up.

Wednesday, we're going to go and pick Aunti Vi up and head for the gulf to have lunch. It should be fun - there are several restaurants out on Anna Maria Island that front right on the gulf. Since her temporary apartment is half the size of her regular apartment, we want to make sure she gets out. Her regular apartment overlooks Wares Creek (which is a tributary of the Manatee River) and her temporary apartment overlooks a parking lot - UGH!

Like I said, nothing much happening so where did the month go??

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

A relatively slow start to January

Things have been very quiet down here up until this week. We didn't have choir rehearsal or Bible study so we've had many days where we didn't even leave the house. Even our Wednesday shopping excursions with Aunti Vi have been a "no-go" because of the "cold" weather (one day the low was around freezing and the high in the upper 40's). She didn't want to go out and didn't need anything.

However, as of this week, our schedule is getting back to normal. Monday we drove up to the Lifeway store in Brandon to pick up books for Bible study. We also went to the most awesome kitchen store "Rolling Pin Emporium" ( It beats out any kitchen store I have ever been to including Williams-Sonoma and Sur La Table. They also offer a wide range of cooking classes. Dan and I are going to take one on "knife skills" the 25th. It should be fun. Before we drove up to Brandon, I had my bi-annual eye exam. Everything is fine but I do need new glasses. I haven't had new glasses in 4 years since up until now, my prescription didn't change enough to warrant the expense of new glasses. Driving up to Brandon though was NOT fun. With my pupils dilated, I couldn't focus on anything - very strange feeling. However, my eyes finally got back to normal by about 9:00 Monday night.

Tuesday I worked on getting some scrapbooking done and preparing for Bible study. The pictures I scrapped were from Chistmas of 1997. It was fun finally getting them done! I have lots of current pics to scrap, but it's fun doing the older ones too.
Wednesday was our normal. We took Aunti Vi shopping in the afternoon and then choir in the evening. It felt really good to be back in choir. We started learning our Easter cantata which we will present 2X on Sunday morning and 1X Saturday night. Thursday was Bible study. We started Beth Moore's "A Woman's Heart - God's Dwelling Place"- a study of the Old Testament tabernacle. We have 15 ladies for the morning session and 12 in the evening. Friday, we had a quiet day which I was very grateful for. The day after Bible study I am totally exhausted.

Saturday too was another quiet day. We didn't leave the house from the time we got home from Bible study Thursday night until this morning when we went to church. There are a couple reasons - one, there were things we needed to do around the house and two, with the price of gas where it is we are combining errands and if we don't need to go out we don't.

Well, that's enough for now - I'll write more later this week.