Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Catching Up

It seems like forever since I've blogged and it has been - 16 days to be precise! Monday, the 5th, we took Aunti Vi to the doctor. He was thrilled with her condition. He said he wasn't going to do anything - she was doing just fine! Just keep doing whatever she's doing. The only medication she's on is a heart medication that costs $5 a month. Her prior doctor (up in Chiefland) was prescribing one medication on top of another - Aunti Vi would complain about a side effect from the medication she was on and her doctor would prescribe something else to counter the side effect. When we moved down here her medications were costing over $600 a month!

Monday evening, I had a nominating team meeting at church. It was a long meeting and I got home about 10:15.

Tuesday, the 6th, we finished up the Gulf Coast Holiday Shop Hop. We had already done 7 of the scrapbook stores that were within a 75 mile radius of Bradenton last week. We still had the 6 stores down in Fort Myers and Cape Coral to finish, which we did getting home about 6:00.

Wednesday, the 7th, was our normal - shopping with Aunti Vi in the afternoon and choir in the evening. Thursday, again was normal - Bible study morning and evening.

Friday was quiet during the day, just normal stuff. Friday night we went to hear The Raleigh Ringers - a handbell group from Raleigh, NC. The concert was phenomenal! Eric and Sarah went with us. After the concert, we went to Sam Seltzer's Steakhouse one of our favorite restaurants.

Saturday morning we got up and headed to the Port of Tampa. We got there about 12:45and checked in and boarded the ship.

I'll close this post for now and get to the cruise in the next post.

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