Friday, September 7, 2007

Fall Schedule Starts

Well, I can tell it's the week after Labor Day - our fall schedule has kicked in big time! Saturday, Eric and Sarah called and asked if they could come over Labor Day for swimming and scrapbooking. We had nothing special planned so we said come on over. They got here about 3:30 and stayed until 10:00. We had a good time swimming and then got some scrapbooking done. Tuesday we relaxed and then Wednesday Aunti Vi called and said she didn't feel up to going shopping so could we pick up her groceries. So we did and then we went down and visited with her for a little while. By the time we got home, we only had an hour before we had to leave for choir. After choir, we picked up a pizza. Once home, we ate and then watched the introductory video session for "Jesus the One and Only."

Thursday morning we headed for church about 8:45 to get set up for Bible study which started at 9:30. We had 7 ladies there and 4 were absent (they told me they were going to be gone). The first session is always a little shorter since we don't have homework to discuss so we finished about 11:15. We got home and ate lunch and relaxed until it was time to head for church again at 5:45 for the evening session. We had 8 ladies in the evening session - what was so exciting is 2 of the ladies found the Bible study on Beth's website (! 3 other ladies are "non-Bethelites" who heard about the study "through the grapevine." We had a great time sharing and finished about 8:15. After a busy day, I got home and collapsed!

Today was scrapbooking day - afternoon at the senior center and then tonight at church. There are two faithful ladies at the senior center and it's fun helping them organize their photos and give them ideas for their scrapbooks. Their main objective is to get the photos in a scrapbook and labeled with who are in the pictures. One of the ladies is a retired missionary from the Ivory Coast. She wants to do 4 scrapbooks - one of her life growing up, one of her going to Africa, one of her life in Africa and then one of her retirement and return in 1999. She has many hundreds of pictures that she is organizing. The other lady is single and wants to get her heritage pictures in albums for her nephews. She is concerned because she has been given the responsibility to identify every one in the pictures and get them in a scrapbook. She's feeling frustrated and overwhelmed right now because she has so many pictures. I have tried to reassure her that she's on the right track and she can't expect to get everything done overnight. Tonight the only one who showed up at church was the retired missionary. She brought more pictures and we talked about what ones to include in what album. She left about 8:00 so it was a relatively early night.

Tomorrow nothing is planned. I'm figuring on using the day to catch up on stuff that I've let go this week. Sunday, Csilla and the girls are coming over to celebrate Taylor's birthday with us. Rick has a woodworking demonstration so he won't be coming. Csilla is planning on arriving about 11:00 which will give us a chance to go to church. As soon as they get here, Taylor wants to do some scrapbooking with me. After that Taylor wants to go to the beach. Csilla is planning on heading home about 6:00. It will be a full day but fun.

Monday and Tuesday, I'm going to need to do some heavy cramming for Bible study next week. Besides tomorrow those are the only 2 days I have this week to prep. Wednesday is shopping and choir as well as Leonard and Ruth and their daughter Karen arriving. Thursday is Bible study morning and evening. Friday is Uncle Len's memorial service. That brings us to Saturday which right now is open. I think we'll probably use it to recover from the previous 4 days!

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