Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Quiet Days

Nothing much to write about - Sunday we went to church in the morning. There was a reception for the new Minister of Worship and Adult Education in the evening. He's from Texas and is in the process of adopting a little boy that they've had as a foster child since he was 2 days old (he's now 7 months old).

Monday, we worked in the yard - weeding the front flower bed and resetting the landscaping edging. One thing about Florida - the soil is sandy, so anything you set on it winds up sinking into the sand. The landscaping bricks we used to edge the flower bed are 4-5 inches thick. Yesterday, before working on them only about 2 inches was showing above ground! I trying to save one of the plants in the bed, but I'm thinking today it's too far gone - but I'll give it a litlle longer before digging it up. It was so nice to be able to go into the 90 degree pool after working hard on the landscaping. We swam and played for an hour or so before coming in and eating (I had put dinner in the slow cooker earlier). After dinner we headed to Wal-Mart to do some grocery shopping. When we got home, I worked on my scrapbooking for a couple hours.

Today was another quiet day. We had hair appointments this afternoon and minor errands to run. When we got home we ate lunch and then worked in the yard some more. Yard waste is picked up on Wednesday, so we wanted to make sure we got it out.

Tomorrow is our normal day to take Aunti Vi shopping. We probably won't stop down to see Uncle Len since Leonard is coming down on Thursday and will take care of his dad's mail. We'll probably get together some time while he's here.

Well, I'd better go and get some work done!

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