Saturday, June 2, 2007

Barry, Frogs and Other Things

It was a relatively quiet week this week. Wednesday the paver company was here to do the prep work for the patio extension. The pavers were delivered Thursday morning. One problem - they were the wrong pattern! They are supposed to come out Wednesday and pick up the wrong pavers and then the new pavers will be delivered after that. So our patio still isn't done :(. Thursday was Bible study. I am really enjoying redoing Daniel. There is so much there. Friday night I was in charge of a scrapbook party at church. We had 4 who came and worked on their scrapbooks - it was fun!

Tropical Storm Barry was a blessing. We had minimal wind, but lots of rain - about 3 inches which was desperately needed. We hadn't had any rain since April 15th and then we only had 1/3 of an inch. The grass is greening up nicely after being brown for the last 3 weeks. We have been on watering restrictions since May 1st. We've only been able to run the sprinkler system 1 day per week instead of 2.

When I got up this morning I looked out at the pool and noticed a frog in the pool - not unusual after a heavy rain. However, when I went to get him out, I found 3 more frogs in the pool! We've never had 4 frogs in the pool before! I got them all out and put them where they could get to the lake behind our house!

Well, the sun is now out - the storm has passed. I'll probably head out to work on the flower bed which desperately needs weeding!

1 comment:

Edith said...

Glad you got rain - we need it too. I'm also glad you are the one fishing frogs out of your pool not me - ick. Enjoy the weeding.
