Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas Update

Christmas is over - it's hard to believe. But isn't that always the way it is? We get caught up in the busyness of shopping, decorating, cooking, entertaining, etc., and the holiday is here and gone before we know it. The world is trying to get us to forget what we're celebrating - the birth of our Saviour and the beginning of our redemption story. Christ came to earth as a baby for one reason - to be the ultimate sacrificial lamb.

We have been "enjoying" ill health - nothing major just annoying colds. We went to Disney last week and 3 days later, Dan was down with another cold. This time, I was not fortunate enough to avoid it. I started feeling "coldy" on Monday and Tuesday I had all of the symptoms. Today I am feeling better but still am sniffling and coughing. Enough complaining!

Sunday we headed over to Rick's and had a good visit with them Sunday night. Monday we babysat the girls while Rick and Csilla went over to Disney with the Seminole High School choir. They left about noon. The girls were wonderful - no whimpering or crying. We knew Taylor would be fine, but we were concerned about Ashley. However, our fears were groundless - as Rick and Csilla were leaving, she said "Bye Mom and Dad, see you later," and went back to what she was doing! We had a good time with the girls. Rick and Csilla got home about 7:30 PM and we headed back down to Bradenton getting home about 10:00.

Christmas Day, we were invited over to Sarah and Eric's for dinner. However, when we woke up, both of us were still congested and coughing. Eric's twin sister and her husband were going to be there with their two children (ages 4 and 4 weeks). We really didn't feel we should go and possibly "share the wealth" (spread our germs), so we called and told them we wouldn't be coming over. They were disappointed, but understood. We just stayed home and watched TV and slept!

Last night, we called to wish Eric and Sarah a Merry Christmas and they suggested they come over tonight. We said no problem they were more than welcome, but just know we were still coughing and sneezing. They brought dinner over with them (honey-baked ham, sweet potatoes and salad). We had a lovely dinner and then we exchanged gifts. They left about 8:30 since Sarah has to be up at 6:00 drive down to Sarasota for one of her master's classes. They are squeezing a full semester's class into 4-1/2 days!

We didn't take Aunti Vi shopping today - she called us this morning and said she didn't need any groceries. We're going to check with her Saturday and make sure she's okay.

The rest of this week is quiet. We have nothing scheduled at all. Very scary thought. Of course, there is always housework and yard work to be done.

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