Saturday, August 18, 2007

Trip north and other things

We had a wonderful trip north. We left Florida Thursday morning August 9th and drove through to my folks in Tennessee. We spent that night with them and then headed to Aurora to our son's house Friday morning, arriving in Aurora about 7:00 PM. We had a wonderful visit with them Friday evening and all day Saturday. James is getting so big and grown up. I can't believe he's starting 2nd grade already. Tyler is Tyler - not still for more than 30 seconds! He is in preschool 3 days a week and La says he loves it. La and I went to Archiver's scrapbook store - didn't spend a lot, but it was fun! We thoroughly enjoyed our visit and too soon it was time to head to Indiana and visit with our daughter-in-law and grandsons there. David is over 6' tall and not done growing yet! His daddy was 6'4" and his uncle is up there also so David is going to be tall! Jonathan is also getting tall. He's just a tad bit shorter than I am (5'6") and the way he was eating I wouldn't be surprised if he's coming into a growth spurt! David is now a freshman in high school (unbelievable!) and Jonathan is in 5th grade (it doesn't seem possible!). Edith and I also went to the new Archiver's in Fort Wayne. It was fun and again I didn't spend a lot, but they had some stuff I haven't seen here in Florida. Too soon our visit was over!

Tuesday morning it was time to head south. On our way down, we stopped for lunch at friends who had moved from Bradenton to Fishers. We had a good visit with them and then left to head south to Tennessee. We met my folks at the IHOP in Cookeville and had dinner there. After dinner we drove to Crossville. We visited for a while and then headed for bed. Wednesday we just hung out at the house as it was too warm to do anything else. We watched the weather and saw that Tennessee and Georgia were in the throes of a record breaking heat wave. On our way north, we knew it was warm, but we had no idea how warm (106 degrees in Atlanta). According to the weather forecast the heat wave was going to continue so we made the decision to drive overnight (Wednesday into Thursday) to make it easier on the car and also us. However, we didn't know how we would fare since it has been a VERY long time since we had driven overnight (like 30+ years). However, the trip absolutely flew by. The temps were in the 70's and there was NO traffic. Each rest area we passed had many, many semis parked and also every truck stop was maxed out with semis. We can't imagine how many trucks would have been on the road if we had driven during the day. We got home about 6:30 AM and headed for bed. We didn't even unpack the car!

Since we got home, we've taken it easy catching up on sleep, mail, laundry, etc. It was great to go north and see everyone, but it was also wonderful to get home and get back to normal.

Uncle Len is back in his room at The Shores. They bought him a hospital bed - he is still not walking. We haven't seen him or Aunti Vi yet. We'll probably not get down there until our normal visit on Wednesday. Tomorrow is church and then Monday and Tuesday we're heading to Disney and Sea World with friends from the upper penninsula of Michigan who are down for the week. Wednesday we'll take Aunti Vi shopping and then choir starts Wednesday night (we've been off since May). Saturday Sarah and I are going to an all day crop party at the Florida State Fairgrounds in Tampa. We went last year and had a really good time. Rick and Csilla are coming over next weekend. We haven't seen them since the end of June so it will be fun.

This is a long post, but I think it brings us up to the current time.

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