Thursday, August 2, 2007

Nothing Much Happening

It's been 2 weeks since I last wrote anything. The reason - life has been blissfully calm and quiet. Our Daniel Bible study finished last Thursday and now I'm preparing for the fall Bible study "Jesus the One and Only." It is a terrific study on the life of Christ. We'll start September 6th and finish November 16th. We're going to offer both morning and evening sessions (9:30 AM - 11:30 AM and 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM). We're praying for the Lord to put just who He wants in the study. The bulletin announcement is going in this weekend and will be run all month.

In the last 3 days, we've had about 6 inches of most welcome rain. A tropical low was just off the Tampa coast and kept sending heavy rainbands over us. We had to drain the pool for the first time in about 18 months. It has been so dry down here so the rain was most welcome.

Aunti Vi had a doctor's appointment last Friday. The doctor was very pleased with her condition and didn't put her on any other medications. After her last visit the doctor wrote "the less we do for this patient, the better she does!" We took her shopping on Wednesday and she "wilted" about 1/2 way down the first aisle. We had run several other errands before shopping and she does get tired easily. However, for an almost 97 year old, she's doing great!

Uncle Len is not doing well at all. We stopped by to see him and I talked to the physical therapist. He said Uncle Len will stand between the parallel bars but will not take any steps at all. He said he has pretty much plateaued and they don't think they can take him any further. I don't think he'll ever get back to his room in assisted living, but we'll see. He still has private care, and they may let him back based on that. He is also receiving oxygen 24/7.

Tomorrow I begin "teaching" scrapbook classes at the senior center. I haven't heard how many have signed up so we'll go and play it by ear. Tomorrow night is the monthly crop party at church. It's always fun to get together and see others have gotten done since our last crop.

That brings us up to date. Next week we're heading north, so I don't know when I'll be posting again.

1 comment:

Edith said...

I'd been wondering what was going on down south. Things are crazy here.
