Friday, May 25, 2007

Where'd the time go?

I can't believe it's Friday already! Where did this week go? Tuesday we had another quiet day to study and enjoy the lovely warm weather. The weather is wonderful but everything is so dry. We haven't had any rain at all this month and we only had 1/2 inch in April. The humidity has been running about 25% which is lower even than Arizona.

Wednesday, Aunti Vi was too tired to go out, so we went grocery shopping for her and then delivered the groceries and visited with her for about an hour. After that we went down to visit with Uncle Len and take care of his mail. We got home about 5:00. It was nice to have Wednesday evening free. We don't know what schedule our new minister of worship will set for the choir. He may want the choir to go year round - I hope not, but we'll see.

Thursday, I spent the day studying and prepping for Bible study. We changed the starting time from 7:00 PM to 6:30 PM. People didn't like being out until 9:30 so we're now aiming to finish by 9:00 PM. We came home and then decided to go to the midnight showing of Pirates of the Caribbean III. It was good! The only thing bad was we got home at 3:30 AM! We couldn't sleep in this morning as Aunti Vi had an 11:00 AM doctor's appointment. The doctor was very pleased with the way she has adjusted to her new medication. She feels so much better and the dizziness she was experiencing as a result of her old medication is completely gone. She doesn't need to see the doctor for 2 months, but in that 2 months she wants to have the cataract removed from her left eye. I need to call the opthalmologist and see when she can have it done.

Tonight I scrapbooked for a little while. I'm trying to get this year's flower show pics done. Rick and Csilla's daughter Taylor is also starting to scrapbook and loves to bring her stuff over here and scrap with me.

Tomorrow (Saturday), Eric and Sarah and Connie and Jesse are coming over for a "Pirates of the Caribbean" marathon (parts 1&2) and then we're going to see part 3 tomorrow night. We're just going to have hamburgers and brats for dinner and then head to the theater.

Sunday, Rick and the girls are coming over and will stay until Monday afternoon. Tuesday, our new patio extension is finally going to be started. We contracted with the paver company in February, but due to workload and weather issues, they haven't been able to schedule it til now. I can't wait until it's finished!

Well, it's 11:30 PM so I think I'll sign off for now.

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