Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Change of Plans

We were planning on having a quiet day at home. I needed to study for Bible study Thursday night and get some housework done. So much for the best laid plans. After I wrote the previous entry, Aunti Vi called - said she couldn't breathe. Last week when we had her to the doctor, they changed her heart medication because of side effects she was having. The new heart medication is less strong than what she was on and she thinks it isn't working - hence the problem breathing. So I called the doctor and was able to get an appointment right away. We drove down and picked Aunti Vi up and took her to the doctor. The doctor said she has an oxygen level of a newborn baby - in other words, that isn't the problem. She also had an EKG which was perfectly normal. The doctor said Aunti Vi is worrying about her health too much and gave her a sedative. We'll see if that works. She has another doctor's appointment next Friday.

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