Friday, April 10, 2009

Relative Quiet

It doesn't seem possible that almost two weeks have passed since I last posted. Time is flying by and it's not that we've been doing anything special. We didn't get to church the Sunday after we got home as the drive home from Dad's caught up with us. Monday and Tuesday were spent catching up on laundry and other mundane things needing to be done after being gone for 9 days. We talked about going over to Disney to the flower show, but both of us were too tired from the trip north to even contemplate a trip to Disney. Also, it had been less than two weeks since we had been there, so we figured we'd wait a little longer before heading over. Wednesday we took Aunti Vi shopping and I studied for Bible study which started last Thursday. There are 5 ladies in the morning session and 13 in the evening session. It is a wonderful and challenging study. Saturday, Rick and Ashley drove over to get the things we had brought down from Dad's that belonged to my sister Eileen (Csilla and Taylor stayed home to get some housework done). We were looking at the pictures of Eileen at the age that Ashley is (almost 5) and Ashley is the absolute image of her grandmother. When we showed Ashley the pictures and asked her who it was she said, "Me." It was too cute! Rick and Ashley left about 1:00 Sunday afternoon.

Sunday night we went to "The Passion Play" at First Baptist. It was very realistic and it brought home what Easter is all about - Christ died so we could live. He conquered death so we would no longer be held captive by it.

This week has been relatively normal. Monday, Eric, Sarah and Sarah's friend Tammy (who was down here visiting from Michigan) came over for dinner. After dinner, we spent the evening scrapbooking. Tuesday we had hair appointments and since we take Aunti Vi with us to get her hair cut, we picked up her groceries. Wednesday we took her to the doctor for a follow-up appointment. Thursday was Bible study morning and evening. Today we ran some errands and are planning on going out for a bike ride.

Tomorrow, Eric and Dan are going over to Fantasy of Flight. They are holding a special event "Mustangs and Mustangs" - a car show featuring Ford Mustangs and a plane show featuring P-51 Mustangs. Sarah and I are going to stay home and try to catch up on some scrapbooking!

In the evenings, besides studying, I'm working on a placemat and napkin embroidery kit that I brought home from Tennessee. Mom had started it, but unfortunately because of her impaired vision, she had wrong colors and wrong stitches, so I wound up tearing out all of the work she had done (part of one placemat and and part of 1 napkin) and starting from scratch. There are 4 placemats and 4 napkins. When I finish a set, I will post a picture.

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