Monday, March 3, 2008

Busy day and weekend

Today was a lovely day. We didn't leave the house - we just put swimsuits on and worked out in the yard. Our live oak tree is just about finished shedding its leaves so we're trying to rake them up and get them off the grass (live oaks do not shed their leaves until new growth comes in behind the old leaves and pushes them out so the tree is never without leaves). Because the leaves have a waxy surface, they don't decompose at all - they just lie on the ground waiting for you to come and rake/vacuum them up! Dan put 8 bags of leaves out for pick-up last week (yard waste pick-up is Wednesday). Today I raked up 4 more HUGE bags of leaves for pick-up. Hopefully this is about the last for this year. After raking the leaves, we went in the pool and enjoyed relaxing in the water. The air temp was about 82 degrees and the pool temp was 88 degrees. We don't mind yard work when we know we can relax in the pool after!

This weekend Rick and Csilla came over. They arrived about 3:00 Saturday and by 3:15Taylor and Ashley were in the pool. The water temp was only 80 degrees and the air temp in the low 70's but they didn't care. They wanted to go in the pool! Taylor stayed in the water for about 15 minutes. She was chilled by then so she got out. Ashley stayed in for another 15 minutes and by then Csilla (who was in the water with the girls) was cold so Ashley had to get out also (very unwillingly). They left about 9:30 Sunday morning. This was earlier than they normally leave on Sunday, but Taylor was riding (on a horse) in a parade in Orlando Sunday afternoon.

Tomorrow, Aunti Vi has a doctor's appointment in the morning then we may go shopping - depending on how she's feeling. If we don't shop tomorrow, we'll go on Wednesday. Thursday is Bible study. I can't believe there are only 3 weeks left. It seems we just started. The study is on the Old Testament tabernacle and how Christ was revealed in the tabernacle. None of the ladies has done a study on the tabernacle before so we are all learning.

Well, enough for now -- laundry is calling.

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