Monday, January 28, 2008

Getting old!

Yesterday was Dan's 62nd birthday. He will now start collecting Social Security! We didn't do anything special - we didn't even go to church. We were both just too tired when the alarm went off at 6:15. I had baked a chocolate bundt cake on Thursday, so that served as his birthday cake! We'll actually celebrate Friday night with Sarah and Eric. Friday is Sarah's birthday, so instead of celebrating twice, we'll combine it into one. We'll go out to dinner and then head for church for crop night. I'll also be teaching at Water's Edge (the senior center) in the afternoon.

Today, we went to the Social Security office to finish my filing for Social Security. I had filed on-line, but I needed to bring my birth certificate in for validation. I'll be old enough (62) to start collecting in April!

We stopped by Aunti Vi's this afternoon. She is doing okay - just wiped out from the move and stress. We only stayed for a few minutes - just long enough to check on her. We'll take her out Wednesday for lunch and shopping.

Well, I need to go finish studying for Thursday and laundry is calling.

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