Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A First

This past weekend we had the joy of having our 2 great nieces come and stay with us without mom and dad. The girls had been talking about coming over alone, but we didn't know if it was just talk or if they were serious. They had never been away overnight before.

Friday we met Rick and the girls at Fantasy of Flight which is about midway between our homes. After a leisurely lunch, we transferred the girls and their "luggage" to our car and headed home.

Once we got home, the girls changed into their swimsuits and we spent the next 2-1/2 hours playing in the pool. By now it was time for dinner so we asked the girls what they wanted. Both said fried chicken from the local grocery store. We brought it home and both girls ate well.

After dinner, we headed out to the beach for playtime and sunset. Both girls enjoyed playing in the sand, which is fine like powdered sugar, and also playing in the "waves." The gulf's waves are much gentler than the ocean's so the girls could really enjoy them without getting knocked over. Making "sand angels"

Much to the girls' chagrin, it was time to head home after showers at the beach. After showers again at home, the girls climbed into bed. When I checked on them 45 minutes later, they hadn't moved from the positions they laid down in!!! Between sun, sand and the late hour, they were exhausted!

Saturday morning we woke up and headed to the beach again. We had breakfast on the beach with our Sunday School class and then headed down towards the water for more sand and playtime. We stayed at the beach for several hours until we heard thunder and saw lightning bolts. Dan headed for the car and I took the girls over for quick rinse off shower. As we were getting in the car, we heard the lifeguards' whistles signaling everyone needed to clear the beach. Dan and Taylor in the waterHaving fun in the water

By the time we got home and got the girls cleaned up, mom and dad were here and our time alone with the girls was over. We weren't sure how the girls felt - whether they enjoyed it or not, but 2 days after they got home we got a call from Csilla saying the girls want to know when they can come back and stay with us alone again. So I guess the "experiment" was a success. I know we sure enjoyed it!!

1 comment:

Edith said...

Glad you had fun with the girls. Seems like they are growing.