Saturday, June 13, 2009

Another Update

Nothing much has changed. Aunti Vi is still in rehab. She was assessed last Tuesday and will be assessed again this Tuesday. She says she is getting weaker and the PT is beginning to take its toll. She says she is getting more and more tired and is having to come back to her room before she completes the 45 minutes PT. However, when I talk to the nurses, they say she is doing very well. When she entered rehab, I asked for a timeline and was told 2-3 weeks is the norm. As of Monday, she will have been in rehab for 2 weeks.

As far as discharge goes, there is no date. Also, will she be able to handle asisted living or will she need to go to skilled care? There are certain benchmarks for assisted and currently, I don't know if she can meet those benchmarks. Of one thing I am certain - she will not be able to live in the independent section any longer.

Nothing much more to update right now. We are obviously busy with our normal activities as well as now having to go down to Aunti Vi's apartment frequently to pick up her mail and also go to the hospital to pick up her laundry, bring it home, wash it and then take it back to her. I'm also trying to spend some time scrapbooking which helps relieve the stress.

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