Sunday, May 31, 2009

Busy 5 Days

This past 5 days have been very busy - Wednesday we took Aunti Vi to have her tooth pulled at the oral surgeon's. She did fine during the extraction and had very little pain/discomfort from it. We stayed with her until about 4:00 and then headed home. I did call her later on in the evening and she was still doing okay. 8:00 Thursday morning, she called me and said her left leg wouldn't support her and she couldn't walk. I couldn't do anything at that point since I was leading Bible study at 9:30. I told her we would stop down after Bible study and check on her and make a decision about her dentist appointment that afternoon (they needed to get an impression so they could adapt her bridge).

When we got there about 12:15, her leg was not back to normal but she was able to use it and walk with her walker. I had made an appointment with our regular doctor after the dentist appointment, but Aunti Vi decided she didn't want to go to the doctor so I cancelled it. After the dentist, we went to Wal-Mart and picked up some soft foods and then headed back to her apartment. We heated up some food for her which she ate. We left her about 4:00 and headed home. Thursday night Bible study went well and we didn't have any messages when we got home so we went to bed thinking Aunti Vi was on the road to recovery. However, it was a false sense of security.

Friday morning at 7:05, we received a call from the nurse at the retirement home where Aunti Vi lives and said Aunti Vi could not move her right arm and right leg and they were calling 911. She asked which hospital we wanted her taken to. We told her which one and got up and headed to the hospital. She hadn't arrived yet by the time we got there so we waited. About 15 minutes later, we were told she had arrived and we could go to admitting and get her paperwork filled out. By the time we got all of the paperwork filled out, she had had all of the tests to find out what was going on and we were told we could go back and see her. We then waited another 5 hours before we were told anything - we didn't know if she was going to be discharged or admitted. Finally about 2:00, the doctor came in and said she had had a minor stroke and was going to be admitted. At that point we headed out since we hadn't had anything to eat and had things to take care of. After getting some lunch, and picking some things up at Aunti Vi's apartment, we headed back to the hospital. Aunti Vi, by the time we got back, had regained use of her arm and also could move her leg some.

Yesterday (Saturday), we didn't go to the hospital until dinner time. When we got there, she was in bed but got up (with a lot of help) and sat in the chair to eat dinner. She was able to move her leg and use her arm some, but was far from normal. After leaving the hospital, we came home and rode our bikes out to the beach and home (13 miles round trip). We thoroughly enjoyed it and biking was a great stress reliever.

We didn't go to the hospital at all today. After the last four days, we just needed a break. Tonight we drove out to the beach for sunset, took our shoes off and walked in the gulf. It's up to 82 degrees so it was just delightful.

I called Aunti Vi when we got home and she does not sound good at all. Her speech was slurred and she was having trouble composing her thoughts. The neurologist who doesn't know her has put her on some new meds. I'm not sure if the slurring is a result of the meds or if her condition is deteriorating.

Tomorrow afternoon we're going to head over to Sea World for the afternoon and evening. We haven't been there since we were there with Dad in February, so it should be fun.

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