Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Busy Days

Yesterday was a busy day. We spent the day outside working on the yard - weeding, getting the new patio set up and other miscellaneous yard chores. It was very warm, but when we got too warm, we headed for the pool and cooled down. There is still much to do. One thing about living in Florida, there is no "down season" for yard work. The lawn needs to be mown 12 months a year and the weeding needs to be done 12 months a year. But the benefit is we don't have to shovel snow!!!

Friday night Uncle Len fell and broke his hip. He had surgery Sunday morning - they put 2 pins in his hip. Leonard flew down yesterday to be with his dad. He'll be here until Wednesday morning. He came over tonight for dinner. We had a good visit.

Eric and Sarah were over last night for a visit and to scrapbook. They're leaving Thursday morning for Estonia on a short term mission trip for 2 weeks. On the way home, they're going to stop in France to visit with Eric's sister and brother-in-law who are missionaries in the Muslim community in Grenoble. We'll be picking them up at the airport when they get home.

Tomorrow is our weekly visit with Aunti Vi. We'll take her grocery shopping. Leonard said she's also planning on us taking her to the hospital to visit Uncle Len.

Thursday night is Bible study. We have three more weeks and then we'll take a break until September. The Thursday after Labor Day we'll be starting Beth Moore's "Jesus the One and Only" - a great study on the life of Christ.

Friday Connie and Jesse are coming over for dinner and scrapbooking. They haven't been over for about three weeks, so it will be a good visit. I'm still working on the pages from our Discovery Cove trip last October, but I am getting close to finishing. Yesterday I also got a call from the senior center confirming the date and time I will be there to "teach" scrapbooking. The first Friday of the month will be busy as I'll be going to the senior center in the afternoon for scrapbooking "class" and then going to Bethel in the evening for the crop.

It's getting late, so I'm going to sign off.

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