Bible study finished up on Thursday. After the morning session we all (there were 14 of us)went out to lunch at the Amish restaurant near church. It was great to be able to visit and spend some social time with the ladies. Each one is so dear and spending the last 11 weeks with them has truly been special. Right now, I believe the Lord is leading me to offer "When Godly People Do Ungodly Things" over the summer. It's only an 7 week course so right now I'm figuring on starting either the 3rd or 10th of July and going through the middle of August. Our fall Bible study ("Living Beyond Yourself" - A study on the fruit of the Spirit) will start September 11th and end November 20th. As far as the evening session goes, two of the ladies bring refreshments and we "graze" the entire evening. The evening ladies are also dears and I love each one of them. The two sessions are as different as night and day. The morning session is 90% discussion, 10% going over homework. The evening session is 90% going over the homework and 10% discussion!
Friday, we went over to Disney to the EPCOT Garden and Flower Show. The flowers and displays were beautiful. I don't know if we'll get over there again this year, but I'm glad we had the chance to go Friday.
Today was the choir cantata at church. It was presented last night and then at both services this morning. Because of my knees, I have had to drop out, but Dan sang. It was beautiful and the message was phenomenal.
Well, I must go, laundry is calling!